Interview with Katie… In Two Months!

Laura Fredricks enlisted Live in Five to transition her presence from the nonprofit and fundraising space into lifestyle media. After rebranding Laura as “The Expert on the ASK,” we went to work right away pitching our ASKing lifestyle expert with creative content including “5 Questions You’re Not Asking Your Doctor That Are Costing You BIG Money” and “How to ASK Away The Holidays – Without Looking Like Scrooge.”

These successful starters secured multiple regional broadcast interviews on FOX Boston, WGN ChicagoCBS Hartford and nationally syndicated BetterTV.

In two very short and busy months, Laura was chatting on national TV with Katie Couric about “New Year, New You: How to ASK For What YOU Want in 2013, including support while undergoing cosmetic changes, a raise, or more personal time with your friends from your partner.